What V6 Stands For
Right now there are currently 5 classic vital signs used to monitor the health and well being of a human:
- Heart rate
- Blood pressure
- Respiratory rate
- Body temperature
- Pain
We propose there should be a sixth - MOVEMENT, the most important vital sign.
And much like high blood pressure is a warning light for change - how you move, and the standard criteria measured for strength, flexibility, and mobility is no different. Many times we are not measuring or do not notice these changes in our musculoskeletal system until it's too late and pain occurs. Or we have a significant trauma that causes rippling effects on how our musculoskeletal system functions, akin this to a stroke on our nervous system.
There are many movement faults that contribute to the pathology of the musculoskeletal system, and by addressing the ROOT movement cause and not chasing symptoms we can prevent, address, and restore optimal function to the human body without medications, surgery, or injections.
Out of necessity and current frustrations with healthcare in the United States, Vital Six Physical Therapy and Performance was formed. We are your primary care doctors to help those looking to monitor, maintain, improve, and restore their musculoskeletal system so you can live a life free from pain and limitations.