Pain Free and Ready For Life.
We help you move well, feel well, and get out of pain all while reaching your goals of being strong, active, and healthy.
Click to Get StartedWe help you move well, feel well, and get out of pain all while reaching your goals of being strong, active, and healthy.
Click to Get StartedWhatever your goals are, we’re here to craft & implement a custom strategy for you.
We are a specialized orthopedic wellness clinic that bridges the gap between traditional rehabilitation and personal training to help adults avoid surgery and maintain independence while reaching their fitness and lifestyle goals pain-free.
The V6 Approach Includes:
Movement Impairment Orthopedic Diagnostic Exam
Physical Therapy
Personal Training
Performance Training
Soft Tissue Massage
Dry Needling
Wellness and Recovery Sesssions
Our mission is to offer the best healthcare experience in Kansas City. If you are newly in pain or you've tried physical therapy, chiropractic, massage, or personal training with minimal success, it's time to try again.
Because every case is different the cost will vary based on your individual needs, goals, and situation. If you are inquiring about insurance or any other costs related issues, please schedule your free 15 minute discovery phone call and we will be happy to help.
Adults who value living a healthly lifestyle free from pain, surgery, or medications.
Yes! We have success stories across the board from herniated discs, to chronic neck pain, to hip impingement, to rotator cuff tears, to ankle sprains and more. Rest assured we can help you, and if we can't we will make sure to refer you to someone who can.
Orthopedic conditions we treat:
Cervical and Lumbar Radiculopathy
Cervical and Lumbar Disc Herniation
Cervical and Lumbar Degeneration
Cervical and Lumbar Stenosis
Cervical Headaches
Cervical Pain Chronic
Shoulder Tendinitis
Shoulder Rotator Cuff Strain/Tear
Shoulder Impingement
Shoulder Labral tear
Shoulder and Elbow Bicep tendonitis/osis
Shoulder Arthritis
Scapular Dyskinesis
Thoracic Pain
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Thoracic Rib/Abdominal Pain
Low Back Pain Chronic
Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Hip Femoral Acetabular Impingement
Hip Bursitis
Hip Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome
Hip Labral Tear
Hip Instability
Hip Pain Chronic Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Knee Menescial Tears
Knee Patellar Tendinitis/osis
Knee Osteoarthritis
Knee Pain Chronic
Knee Hamstring and Calf Strains
Ankle Instability
Ankle Sprains/Strains
Ankle Achillies Tendinitis/osis
Foot Plantar Fascitis
Foot Big Toe Pain
The state of Missouri has limited direct access meaning, you do not need a referral if you have been seen by a chiropractor, primary care doctor, dentist, nurse practitioner, podiatrist, physician's assistant or orthopedic surgeon in the past year for your current condition. A referral is also not needed if you are receiving health and wellness or prevention services (i.e., no current pain problem being treated). If this is a new injury and you have not seen any of the heath-care providers mentioned above, we recommend that you obtain a referral prior to beginning physical therapy in order to maximize the benefit of your first visit. Please bring a copy to your first visit for have it faxed ahead of time. You or your doctor can fax a referral to: (913) 624-9992
Yes! - we are approved healthcare providers
Our approach is geared specifically for active adults who have struggled to get out of pain and are looking for real long term solutions